here comes the rain (again)

p/s:  click this load and wait for the page. done? open back this tab and read. :)

her mouth curled into a smile. even when the pain felt like every nerve in her body was being incinerated.  she whispered to herself, 'the time has come.' over and over again. until tears streaming down to her face. it's not that she didn't want to leave. but feeling nostalgic that everything will be 
different once she return.

this time leaving is different. breaking the final strings. and yes, she's ready. :)


3 Responses so far.

  1. nice apps u found there! hehe. i know how u feel right now. bh bila lg kan mw jalan :)

  2. shera says:

    sama ja kta suma ni. first time jauh dari rumah. haha