sunshine after the rain

      the caffeine had affected my brain. progressing my body activity to avoid myself from sleeping. it happened all the time. the silence that covered the night was enough to make my mind speak to itself. million things crossed my mind. too many ideas but yet it was choked on my throat. unable to write nor expressing them.

            i was alienated by my own body. sometimes. i don't understand my own behaviour. completely perplexing me out. it was like each part of me was not compatible enough to mingle in a harmony. even sometimes my thought was a Greek for me. people misunderstood me. neither to myself. i just don't know myself yet. even a shade of them.

sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places _ tumblr

        sorry for posting such an emo post guys. i promise this will be my last. no more after this. mau jadi drama queen knun. yuck. hahahahahahahahaahah. okay later guys. *wink*

4 Responses so far.

  1. poetic post. Btw lovee ur new skin. Gila eh ajr sia! Haha

  2. Anonymous says:

    ahaha.. sy pun mw mta jar.. keekk...

  3. shera says:

    suma dari baini. sy copy ja tu code. hahahaha. p lh kmu cari d sana.

  4. shera says:

    correction : hehe