sayounara AMR

now that my driving lesson is over, i can take a deep breath and smile to myself. still, i'll be missing this place. and the people as well. ever since i stepped my feet on the AMR, i meet a lot of people. fazirah, auntie spoting, fakrizi, auntie brani, bazil, deborah, fuad(still remember his name..haha), the kerani and even some of the tutor. i like the situation where you can talk freely and teasing each other without even know their name. i wished i can still meet them. lol. the picture above was taken on my first day in the AMR. good luck to my little sister. she will also taking her DL in here next year. bye2 Akademi Memandu Ranau! :)

5 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    sarah ambik lesen tym form 5 ka?

  2. Anonymous says:

    eh.. brapa pla umur sarah tu? haha.. lpa pla..

  3. shera says:

    thnks ewika..(love that name! haah)

  4. shera says:

    form 4 bh dia ni thun. hujung thun thun dpan dia ikut. mcm sy. hehe