A quick update

hello my abandoned blog. sorry for not typing any post for the past few days. maybe a week? it's the eleventh day of march and spm result is now just around the corner. well, for now, i am overtaken by flood of emotions. i don't know what to do. i forced myself to not thinking too much about it but i always fail. like really. i keep myself busy. trying to do a lot of things. shoot. i can feel the knife in my belly that dragged me to a detrimental situation. tormented by spm nigthmare..
so, i don't know why all of a sudden i get so many followers. well, thank you. i'll spend some time to do some follow-back okey? to Enrica, sorry so much. i can't do the tutorial for the newspaper nail art at the moment. i don't even have time to myself now. but, you still can google it up on the internet anyway. there's hundred of them and i'm sure it still can help you. :)
geez, i need to update my blog's skin. i'm gettin bored with this old one. maybe tomorrow? sounds good. that's it for now. will catch up with u guys again soon. good night.